What a great thread! I can vouch the born-ins were always leery of the converts as my Mom was. Did anyone else ever hear, “Can’t you find a nice girl from a nice family born in the truth?” But I thought wait a minute- you were a convert so how does that line of reasoning work!
Truth be told many of the converts were socially retarded but I admired those who seemed to be normal yet at the same time I wondered what made them join up! They were 2nd class pubs and when one of these convert brothers were fast-tracked to responsibility it created both a flurry of whispers but also a flurry of... why can't you reach out like so & so!
The sisters were especially criticized. I remember a nice family coming in getting up to speed in the Hall. The wife was pretty attractive and well, had a nice set of tooties on her. She couldn't walk without a jiggle! They always sat in the front of the Hall and I enjoyed the times she got up during the meeting to use the bathroom as she bounced, I meant walked the length of the Hall. If it was distracting to me in field service I wonder what the householders thought! I digress!
I always envied those converts who got to experience life including Christmas, birthdays, even the military. What was it like and why can’t I experience what you did? Worse were the converts who had a college education! I loved it when they had to play that aspect down in their comments and behavior.
Like I said, most converts were social retards but there were some keepers.